26 Ocak 2016 Salı

Dear Büşra,
I liked your writing style, and characteristic traits that you look for. However, I think you should be more sprecific about this topic. You may say a person who has these chararteristic traits. I also liked your structure. You supported your major sentences with minor sentences succesfully. A friendly reminder: you can say ''it is important to think other people instead of just thinking of yourself''. Your paragraph is quite good on the whole.


       If I were a jury member of the committee choosing the person of the year, there would be some characteristic traits that I look for in the candidate. The first characteristic treat that should be in my candidate is honesty. I think honesty is one of the most important things that one person should have. I must trust that person when I meet someone . The second one is to be merciful. Mercy comes from heart and heart is the source of all emotions like love or happiness. Mercy is a part of human being. If one person did not have mercy in his/her heart, I would not call him/her as a human being. The third one is to be respectful. Respect towards people is important for me. Being respectful shows that you care about other's lives, thoughts and emotions. When you are respectful to others, you also show respect for yourself. The last characteristic trait that I look for in the person of the year is to be thoughtful . That is important because you think other people instead of just thinking of yourself. To sum up, I choose the person of the year according to honesty, mercy, respect and thoughtfulness. In my opinion, a good person should have these characteristic traits.


I want to write about an advertisement on tv which is called as "Ülker Mutluluk Reklamı" because it is really entertaining and the happiness is shown in the advertisement successfully.In this advertisement , many children, men, and women have different ways of being happy.While some of them become happy by eating chocolate , the others are happy when they have a dinner with their beloved ones.In addition to the examples ı have given , there are also many ways to be happy in the advertisement such as travelling by boat , going shopping, looking at his/her lover , and caring about his/her baby.I think that the producer of this advertisement tries to make people buy and eat the products of the brand of "Ülker".He does it by emphasizing the happiness affect of the product and by giving examples for the ways of happiness.He also wants to tell that people shouldn't seek for happiness in so significant things and they can be happy with small things and by doing something for which they get a craving.I am of the opinion that as long as we want to enjoy our lives and be happy ,we can always find a way for it.This advertisement is important for society since it can be make people think about their lives and start to seek for ways of being happy and living  a good life.Shortly, this advertisement can be guide for people in living more happily.
Hi esra,
I liked your reflection topic very much. Happiness is a human want. In other words, every person wants to have happy happy life.I think people can find a way of being happy if they really want to be happy, as you said. I liked your ideas about this topic. Also, your paragraph is correct in terms of grammar and spelling. However, if you make your conclusion sentence a bit longer, your paragraph might look much better. Your writing is pretty good all in all.

25 Ocak 2016 Pazartesi

 Intoductory Reflection
Being a student at Metu is really amazing and different for me. First, both students and teachers are
 quite qualified and well-informed. Every person shows respect toward each other. In other words, every person values other people's ideas instead of judging them.Second, the students who study at Metu have a lot of educational opportunities such as the availability of academicians for questions and well equipped laboratories. Last, In addition to edıcational opportunities, there are also good opportunities to improve social life of students. For example, there are many social clubs and sport activities. Thanks to these social opportunities, students develop good friendships during education period. To sum up, being a student at metu is privilege becuse Metu has qualified and respectful people, and a variety of opportunities.

23 Ocak 2016 Cumartesi

                                                    Reflection task3

If I were a jury member of the committee choosing the person of the year, I would choose Arda Turan as my candidate. The first reason of my choice is that Arda is really good at his job. Because he is quite ambitious and successful football player, he is offered to play in Barcelona. He accepted it, and now he represents our country successfully. The second reason is that he is really helpful. I know that he covers food expenses of children in department of corrections. Also he helped people in Soma by donating money and founding a school. I really appreciate his sensitiveness to people who are helpless. The last and the most important reason of my choice is that he is pretty faithful person. Arda never forgets his family and the people who are background of him. Compared to other famous people, Arda is a person who cares culture and traditions. He is always modest. I think most people may be spoiled or forget themselves if they have opportunities that Arda has now. Actually, there are lot examples of that kind of people nowadays. However Arda Turan is not that kind of people. His character is steady.  To sum up, I would choose Arda Turan because of his success in his job, his helpfulness and his faithfulness.      
                                                         Reflection task2b
            The movie’s content that I’ve watched is about a Jewish man, Guido, and his son who become victim of the Holocaust. They are imprisoned in a concentration camp, and Guido doesn’t want his son to know what is going on. Therefore, he says the whole things that they faced are just a game.

            The movie influenced me quite deeply. I really love Holocaust films, and I think this one is the best. It is based on a sad story. There are a lot of cruelties towards Jewish people. When I saw these cruelties, I was shocked. Guido makes quite amazing efforts in order to prevent his son from the whole bad things. In other words, the things that he did are really impressing! The movie is certainly worth watching. I chose this movie because it is not just a movie; all the events that are seen in the movie are real. I think it gives people messages about humanity. Director reflects his ideas in a quite effective way. Content is also perfect. I liked all scenes; I didn’t get bored not at all. Lap dissolves are amazing. The only thing that I dislike about the work is the beginning of the movie. According to me, It shouldn’t last that much.             
                                                 REFLECTION TASK2A
I want to write about negative effects of social media because I want to warn people. This topic is important for me since there are a lot of people who are addicted to social media around me.

Although social media has many positive effects on society, it also has negative effects. First, it leads to addiction. The more hours people spend, the more addicted they become. People think that social media is very reliable source, and so they rely on the internet instead of practical knowledge and experiences. Second, it leads isolation of people from social life. As people spend a lot of time on social media, they experience less face to face interactions. For example, nowadays people are sending emails, and texting message instead of visiting each other.  The last and the most important one is that it leads health problems. Because people share photos or videos that contain violence, drinking, smoking on social media, children can be greatly affected by it. In other words, social media may encourage children to have bad habits. Because of these photos and videos, they may experience with health problems such as depression, substance abuse and suicide. To sum up, social media has negative effects in terms of addiction, isolation and health problems. In order to avoid these negate effects, people should manage and limit their social media usage. 
                                             REFLECTION TASK1A

There are a lot of student clubs in METU. When I was in prep school, I attended some of clubs
meeting which is hold at the beginning of semester to inform students about their goals and 
organizations that they do. I would like to join tennis club. When I was in highschool, I was in school team.
 I really like playing tennis. Thus, I want to join that club. Actually, I heard that tennis club is 
not much active. I think club should be activated by organizing tennis matches weekly. Also, tennis 
courses can be extended.