23 Ocak 2016 Cumartesi

                                                         Reflection task2b
            The movie’s content that I’ve watched is about a Jewish man, Guido, and his son who become victim of the Holocaust. They are imprisoned in a concentration camp, and Guido doesn’t want his son to know what is going on. Therefore, he says the whole things that they faced are just a game.

            The movie influenced me quite deeply. I really love Holocaust films, and I think this one is the best. It is based on a sad story. There are a lot of cruelties towards Jewish people. When I saw these cruelties, I was shocked. Guido makes quite amazing efforts in order to prevent his son from the whole bad things. In other words, the things that he did are really impressing! The movie is certainly worth watching. I chose this movie because it is not just a movie; all the events that are seen in the movie are real. I think it gives people messages about humanity. Director reflects his ideas in a quite effective way. Content is also perfect. I liked all scenes; I didn’t get bored not at all. Lap dissolves are amazing. The only thing that I dislike about the work is the beginning of the movie. According to me, It shouldn’t last that much.             

1 yorum:

  1. Dear Merve,
    I really appreciate you for having chosen such a great movie to comment about. With respect to your language, you don't have any expression problem; you could easily express your point of view about movie. You also enabled us to read your reflection fluently by using punctuation marks and connectors properly. As for your organization, you have a well-organized style of writing according to me. You have generally mentioned about some specific points like some cruelties to which Jewish people were exposed during that time, and the importance of humanity implied in the movie. I think these points so important, so they require more explanation to attract attention of people to those ideas. More specifically, you could give some examples of cruel practices which make the life of those people difficult in the camp they were imprisoned. For instance, they were given unhealthy and less food, or they were made to work in hard affairs like carrying iron. Besides, you could a bit mention about the father's determination and hope to save his wife and son from that camp despite all difficulties and persecutions, or how he turned such a terrible condition into a game not to let his son affect badly from it, and his effort to make his son believe it. On the whole, you shared extremely important points from the movie with us, but I think it is better to end the writing summarizing general ideas which are focused in the movie instead of criticizing some points of it.
